American Legion Riders of Orange County, NY


Non-Profit Organizations


The American Legion Riders of Orange County, NY (“OC Legion Riders”) are a part of the Orange County American Legion Family, under the guidance of the Orange County American Legion (“OC Legion”) that – in collaboration with other veteran-related motorcycle and veteran and community service organizations – promotes youth development and community service.

Our main project supports the Hudson Valley Honor Flight (HVHF) Youth Guardian Program. In partnership with the OC Legion, HVHF, and other organizations, we help identify, vet, and fund high school seniors, BOCES and college students, and young veterans to escort Vietnam-era and other veterans on Honor Flights to see the monuments at our National Capital in their honor and receive a long deserved “welcome home.”

In addition to giving these young citizens a unique, first-hand opportunity and deeper appreciation of the meaning and value of patriotism, service, and sacrifice, the Youth Guardian Program helps connect incoming and outgoing generations of Americans to pass the baton of leadership from one to the next.

For more information, download the fact sheet and program memo.

Donations in support of this more than worthy cause are welcome in two ways:

1) Direct sponsorship of a specifically identified youth guardian with the HVHF. The sponsor provides a $500 check, made out to “Hudson Valley Honor Flight” and including the name of the youth guardian in the memo portion of the check, to the HVHF at: P.O. Box 375, Walden, NY 12586.

2) A general donation in any amount to the OC Legion Riders, for youth guardians with no specified sponsor. These will come either through OC Legion Rider fundraising events and activities or by donations in the form of checks made out to “American Legion Riders Post 151” and including “youth guardian program” in the memo portion of the check, sent to: Orange County American Legion Riders, American Legion Post 151, P.O. Box 516, Middletown, NY 10940.

In addition, the OC Legion Riders support the National Service Ride Project, partnered with the Orange County Youth Bureau. In support of New York State's Seal of Civic Readiness, the project helps motivate and mobilize youth to better themselves, their community, and their country through service-learning - at assemblies, in classrooms, at volunteer fairs, and through Dutchess-Orange United Way Volunteer Portal, etc. - as an integral part of their education and the school curriculum.

The OC Legion Riders meet at 7:00pm the first Wednesday of the month at American Legion Post 151 in Middletown, NY.

Reach out to us to learn more and join us on our Facebook page!

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